czwartek, 19 marca 2009

counterpart=a person or thing that is similar to another in a different country or organization
frugal=spending little mney and only on things that are really necessary
pristine=which looks very clean, tidy or new
To account for means "to give an explanation or reason for something."
on account of = because of
by all accounts = according toGras what everyone says (, french is a difficult language to learn)
to take into account/take account of sth/ take sth into consideration
on sb's account= Please, don't stay home on my account.
on no account
The president is accountable for actions that affect the public.
She appeared to be in a reflective mood.
represent=to symbolize
representation= a likeness of
representative (n) who represents
distinct=clear , unmistakable
To the untrained eye, all pigeons look alike, but to ornithologists and birdwatchers,
the distinctiveness of each species is clearly apparent. Not only does each
species have distinctive markings, but each species also makes a distinctive sound. A
distinction is made between pigeons and doves on the basis of size, but there is no real
difference between the two kinds of birds. In general, the larger species are referred to
as pigeons and the smaller ones as doves.
uniformly dark in appearance

some diseases are inherited
through biological heredity
an heir = a person who inherits money/property upon the death of another person
When Tim was named the heir to his grandfather's collection of Chinese art, he decided to learn more about his Chinese heritage.

to inundate = to provide much more of sth than so can easily dealt with = We've been inundated with calls

deity = a god
leap year = l'année bissextile (366)
vernal equinox
= équinoxe de printemps

evenly= in an equal way
look before you leapvil faut réfléchir avant d'agir
heavenly=in/from heaven, informal-extremely nice, enjoyable , or beautiful
heavenly kingdom (religion)nmroyaume des cieux (religion ) Królestwo Boże
I highly regard my ..
I have a high regard for...
Regardless of means "without concern for" or "despite."
Mary continued smoking regardless of the doctor's advice.
The observance of Easter is of religious importance to Christians.

unaffected=sincere and natural in your behaviour = genuine,
the sudden decrease in sales was not foreseen/anticipated/predicted
this business thrived/progressed/prospered during the summer months

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