piątek, 20 marca 2009

- to carry something from one place to
-to communicate something

Sensationalism refers to attempts by the media to create public
interest by focusing on shocking subject matter or using shocking
A sensation is also a feeling, but it is usually a bodily feeling rather than a mental or
emotional feeling.
Descending in an elevator gives people the sensation of falling. They have the
sensation of falling.
A sensation can also refer to a person, object, or event of great interest or excitement.
Sensational, the adjective form, has the added meaning "wonderful or terrific."
The Jazz Singer was a sensation.
Al folson was sensational in the starring role.
a sense of rhythm
a sense of direction
a sense of color
a sense of business
Don't mention his grey hair. He's sensitive about it.
Bankers must be sensitive to changes in the economy.
Common sense refers to thinking or behaving in a practical manner.
Someone with common sense would remember to bring a pencil to an examination.

smoking is expressly forbidden
Vision (non-count noun) refers to our sense of sight.
As we age, our vision becomes cloudy.
Visions (count noun) refer to mental pictures. To have visions means "to have mental
pictures, usually of something that is not real." Often these visions reflect a person's
fears or secret hopes.
As she began writing her novel, the author had visions of winning the Nobel Prize
for literature.
To visualize something can also mean to have a mental picture of something not real,
but it more often refers to mental images of things that are real.
As the doctor touched the patient's arm, she visualized the bones and ...
Visual aids are items such as pictures, maps, or
charts used in instruction or demonstration.
The teacher used many visual aids to help his
To affect
something or to have an effect on something
Adults are often criticaJ of teenage styles.
Teenagers are criticized for their styles.
A person who reviews and comments on new films, stage plays,
books, art exhibits, etc., for the media is called a critic.
Although literary critics praised the author's latest novel,
book sales have been poor.
A critique is an evaluation of a literary work or a scholarly
Professors often ask their students to write critiques of
articles from periodicals.
Another meaning of critical is "essential" or "important."
Precise timing is critical when actors perform dangerous movie stunts. Precise
timing is critical to the success of the stunts.
Critical can also mean "serious" or "life-threatening."
Her condition was critical following the accident.

Students read the literary works of great thinkers. Upon graduating, they were
literary adults.
Illiteracy is a major problem in some countries.
Nowadays, people need to be literate in computers.
literature, literary, literacy, illiteracy, literate, illiterate.
noted (for) - well known and admired : a noted British scientist, he is particularly noted for his short stories

1. illegitimate
The electoral process was seen as being corrupt and ........ . opposition parties are calling for a second vote
2. legitimately
. The police decided that the motorist had argued quite ........ that he hadn't seen the other car coming and decided not to charge him.
3. legitimacy
3. The Government has no ........ as it came to power undemocratically.

to find fault with sb
Excessive amounts of minerals will (poison) =contaminate the water supply.
Dieticians suggest that alcoholic beverages are not harmful if consumed in (small
or reasonable amounts). =moderation
When people are overwe.ight, they must be (particular) =selective about their dietary choices.
Food is one of the most (basic)=fundamental of human needs.
From time to time, we enjoy (eating) = dining at fashionable restaurants.
The desire for exotic foods and spices led to the European (search) = pursuit for new lands.

to absorb
The word absorb means "to take in."
They absorbed the good news about their
It can also mean "to accept responsibility for."
She absorbed the cost of repairing the car.
Another meaning is "to suck up in the manner
The dry land quickly absorbed the rain.
When used in reference to a person, this word
engross completely or occupy wholly."
He was absorbed by the book for hours.

Most of the country's natural resources were affected by the disastrous flood.
The children pooled their resources so they could buy a nice gift for the teacher.

The resourceful secretary used paper clips to fix the broken typewriter.
The children survived the famine because of the resourcefulness of their mother
in /inding food.

to consume :
The word consume has several meanings. It can mean "to eat or drink."
The students consumed excessive amounts of beer.
It can also mean "to engross or absorb completely."
The book consumed my attention.
It can also mean "to use up or destroy."
Enormous quantities of gasoline are consumed by American automobiles.

The ingenuity of Robert Noyce led to the development of the integrated circuit
and the microprocessor.
The gas stove was nonexistent before 1880. OR When the gas stove was
nonexistent, cooking was difficult.
Because of the nonexistence of the gas stove, cooking was difficult.

The computer wizard attributed his success to hard work.
Leap year is attributed to the fact that an extra day accumulates over time.

He is pursuing a high school diploma.
Two police cars were in pursuit of the robber.

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