piątek, 20 marca 2009

prospect =the possibility that sth good will happen
hinder = to stop sth/so from making progress
a myriad= a multitude = abundance
It is now commonplace for people to use..
what renovations/ adjustments should ..
Whereby means "by which means" or "through which."
The woman studied French, whereby she was able to communicate when she
vacationed in France.
They assessed the paraplegic girl's ability to use her legs and determined that she
could learn to use crutches.
The banker assessed the value of the house at $150,000.
I hasten /'heisn/to add that..
enliven=to make sth more interesting/lively
To appeal can mean "to awaken a favorable response; to be interesting to someone."
Hot coffee does not appeal to me when the weather is hot.
Cartoons appeal to small children.
he's been getting private tuition in French.
To acquire something means "to gain or to get something, sometimes as a result of
one's own effort or work."
The doctor recently acquired a new X-ray machine, but the technician was not
happy with the new acquisition.
- to carry something from one place to
-to communicate something

Sensationalism refers to attempts by the media to create public
interest by focusing on shocking subject matter or using shocking
A sensation is also a feeling, but it is usually a bodily feeling rather than a mental or
emotional feeling.
Descending in an elevator gives people the sensation of falling. They have the
sensation of falling.
A sensation can also refer to a person, object, or event of great interest or excitement.
Sensational, the adjective form, has the added meaning "wonderful or terrific."
The Jazz Singer was a sensation.
Al folson was sensational in the starring role.
a sense of rhythm
a sense of direction
a sense of color
a sense of business
Don't mention his grey hair. He's sensitive about it.
Bankers must be sensitive to changes in the economy.
Common sense refers to thinking or behaving in a practical manner.
Someone with common sense would remember to bring a pencil to an examination.

smoking is expressly forbidden
Vision (non-count noun) refers to our sense of sight.
As we age, our vision becomes cloudy.
Visions (count noun) refer to mental pictures. To have visions means "to have mental
pictures, usually of something that is not real." Often these visions reflect a person's
fears or secret hopes.
As she began writing her novel, the author had visions of winning the Nobel Prize
for literature.
To visualize something can also mean to have a mental picture of something not real,
but it more often refers to mental images of things that are real.
As the doctor touched the patient's arm, she visualized the bones and ...
Visual aids are items such as pictures, maps, or
charts used in instruction or demonstration.
The teacher used many visual aids to help his
To affect
something or to have an effect on something
Adults are often criticaJ of teenage styles.
Teenagers are criticized for their styles.
A person who reviews and comments on new films, stage plays,
books, art exhibits, etc., for the media is called a critic.
Although literary critics praised the author's latest novel,
book sales have been poor.
A critique is an evaluation of a literary work or a scholarly
Professors often ask their students to write critiques of
articles from periodicals.
Another meaning of critical is "essential" or "important."
Precise timing is critical when actors perform dangerous movie stunts. Precise
timing is critical to the success of the stunts.
Critical can also mean "serious" or "life-threatening."
Her condition was critical following the accident.

Students read the literary works of great thinkers. Upon graduating, they were
literary adults.
Illiteracy is a major problem in some countries.
Nowadays, people need to be literate in computers.
literature, literary, literacy, illiteracy, literate, illiterate.
noted (for) - well known and admired : a noted British scientist, he is particularly noted for his short stories

1. illegitimate
The electoral process was seen as being corrupt and ........ . opposition parties are calling for a second vote
2. legitimately
. The police decided that the motorist had argued quite ........ that he hadn't seen the other car coming and decided not to charge him.
3. legitimacy
3. The Government has no ........ as it came to power undemocratically.

to find fault with sb
Excessive amounts of minerals will (poison) =contaminate the water supply.
Dieticians suggest that alcoholic beverages are not harmful if consumed in (small
or reasonable amounts). =moderation
When people are overwe.ight, they must be (particular) =selective about their dietary choices.
Food is one of the most (basic)=fundamental of human needs.
From time to time, we enjoy (eating) = dining at fashionable restaurants.
The desire for exotic foods and spices led to the European (search) = pursuit for new lands.

to absorb
The word absorb means "to take in."
They absorbed the good news about their
It can also mean "to accept responsibility for."
She absorbed the cost of repairing the car.
Another meaning is "to suck up in the manner
The dry land quickly absorbed the rain.
When used in reference to a person, this word
engross completely or occupy wholly."
He was absorbed by the book for hours.

Most of the country's natural resources were affected by the disastrous flood.
The children pooled their resources so they could buy a nice gift for the teacher.

The resourceful secretary used paper clips to fix the broken typewriter.
The children survived the famine because of the resourcefulness of their mother
in /inding food.

to consume :
The word consume has several meanings. It can mean "to eat or drink."
The students consumed excessive amounts of beer.
It can also mean "to engross or absorb completely."
The book consumed my attention.
It can also mean "to use up or destroy."
Enormous quantities of gasoline are consumed by American automobiles.

The ingenuity of Robert Noyce led to the development of the integrated circuit
and the microprocessor.
The gas stove was nonexistent before 1880. OR When the gas stove was
nonexistent, cooking was difficult.
Because of the nonexistence of the gas stove, cooking was difficult.

The computer wizard attributed his success to hard work.
Leap year is attributed to the fact that an extra day accumulates over time.

He is pursuing a high school diploma.
Two police cars were in pursuit of the robber.

czwartek, 19 marca 2009

counterpart=a person or thing that is similar to another in a different country or organization
frugal=spending little mney and only on things that are really necessary
pristine=which looks very clean, tidy or new
To account for means "to give an explanation or reason for something."
on account of = because of
by all accounts = according toGras what everyone says (, french is a difficult language to learn)
to take into account/take account of sth/ take sth into consideration
on sb's account= Please, don't stay home on my account.
on no account
The president is accountable for actions that affect the public.
She appeared to be in a reflective mood.
represent=to symbolize
representation= a likeness of
representative (n) who represents
distinct=clear , unmistakable
To the untrained eye, all pigeons look alike, but to ornithologists and birdwatchers,
the distinctiveness of each species is clearly apparent. Not only does each
species have distinctive markings, but each species also makes a distinctive sound. A
distinction is made between pigeons and doves on the basis of size, but there is no real
difference between the two kinds of birds. In general, the larger species are referred to
as pigeons and the smaller ones as doves.
uniformly dark in appearance

some diseases are inherited
through biological heredity
an heir = a person who inherits money/property upon the death of another person
When Tim was named the heir to his grandfather's collection of Chinese art, he decided to learn more about his Chinese heritage.

to inundate = to provide much more of sth than so can easily dealt with = We've been inundated with calls

deity = a god
leap year = l'année bissextile (366)
vernal equinox
= équinoxe de printemps

evenly= in an equal way
look before you leapvil faut réfléchir avant d'agir
heavenly=in/from heaven, informal-extremely nice, enjoyable , or beautiful
heavenly kingdom (religion)nmroyaume des cieux (religion ) Królestwo Boże
I highly regard my ..
I have a high regard for...
Regardless of means "without concern for" or "despite."
Mary continued smoking regardless of the doctor's advice.
The observance of Easter is of religious importance to Christians.

unaffected=sincere and natural in your behaviour = genuine,
the sudden decrease in sales was not foreseen/anticipated/predicted
this business thrived/progressed/prospered during the summer months

środa, 18 marca 2009

Pékin s'oppose au rachat de Huiyuan par Coca-Cola

[ 18/03/09 - 08H27 - actualisé à 17:19:00 ]

Le gouvernement chinois n'était pas favorable à ce que le leader mondial des boissons gazeuses reprenne le numéro un des jus de fruits en Chine pour 2,4 milliards de dollars, la plus importante somme jamais proposée par des intérêts étrangers pour l'acquisition d'une entreprise chinoise.

Bouteilles de jus Huiyuan dans un supermarché de Chengdu - AFP/Liu Jin
Cliquez ici

L'OPA lancé par Coca-Cola sur le numéro un chinois des jus de fruits a fait pschitt... Le ministère chinois du Commerce a annoncé mercredi le rejet de la proposition d'acquisition par l'américain Coca-Cola du leader chinois du jus de fruits Huiyuan, qui aurait constitué la plus importante prise de contrôle d'une société chinoise par une compagnie étrangère.

"En vertu de la loi anti-monopole, le ministère du Commerce a décidé d'interdire" l'opération, indique Pékin dans un communiqué (rapport public officiel). L'acquisition aurait eu "une influence négative sur la concurrence", ajoute-t-il.

Implanté en Chine depuis trois décennies, Coca-Cola voulait y accroître sa présence en s'offrant China Huiyuan Juice Group, qui revendique 42% du marché national des jus de fruits. En septembre, le géant américain avait engagé une OPA de 2,4 milliards de dollars - trois fois la capitalisation boursière - pour acquérir le groupe chinois. De plus, pour amadouer (gagner par des amabilités) les autorités, Coca-Cola avait annoncé, début mars, des investissements en Chine de 2 milliards de dollars sur trois ans.

Le projet restait néanmoins soumis à l'aval (soutien) des autorités, qui devaient le passer au crible de la loi anti-monopole, tout juste entrée en vigueur en août. Pékin a finalement estimé que cette opération aurait donné à Coca-Cola une position dominante sur le marché des jus de fruits en Chine et limité de fait la compétition sur ce marché.

Un marché en croissance de 20% par an

Le marché du jus de fruit croît de 20% par an dans le pays et attire donc les convoitises (ceux qui désirent ardemment) des grands leaders du secteur à la recherche de croissance compte tenu notamment de la faiblesse désormais du marché des boissons gazeuses. Mais Pékin, qui veut préserver ses entreprises, en a décidé autrement.

Le groupe français Danone participe à hauteur de 23% au consortium qui détient Huiyuan. Les autres grands actionnaires sont le fondateur Zhu Xinli (36% du capital) et le fonds d'investissement américain Warburg Pincus (6,8%).

En Bourse, le titre Huiyuan a perdu 22,3% mercredi matin. Une chute entraînant la suspension de la cotation.

source: http://www.lesechos.fr/info/agro/300337437-pekin-s-oppose-au-rachat-de-huiyuan-par-coca-cola.htm

Le chômage britannique au plus haut depuis 12 ans

[ 18/03/09 - 11H03 - actualisé à 11:58:00 ]

Plus de deux millions de personnes étaient sans emploi outre-Manche, sur les trois mois achevés en janvier, soit 6,5% de la population active.

Les craintes des économistes sont plus que "confortées" par les mauvais chiffres du chômage britannique, qui viennent d'être publiés par l'Office national des statistiques (ONS).

Outre-Manche, le nombre de chômeurs a ainsi dépassé les 2 millions de personnes, pour la première fois depuis 12 ans. Il atteint pour les trois mois achevés en janvier 2,029 millions de personnes, avec 165.000 inscrits supplémentaires (+421.000 inscrits sur un an), au sens du Bureau international du travail.

Sur ces 2 millions de personnes, 1,22 million sont des hommes (+113.000 sur le trimestre), et 811.000 sont des femmes (+52.000), la moitié de l'ensemble ayant entre 18 et 24 ans.

Au final, le chômage touche désormais en Grande-Bretagne 6,5% de la population active, soit 0.5 point de pourcentage de plus qu'au trimestre précédent (1.3 point sur un an).

Au sens national, en février, 1,39 million de personnes sont considérées comme demandeuses d'emploi au Royaume-Uni, soit un taux de 4%, contre 3,8% en janvier. Le nombre de chômeurs a augmenté de 138.400 personnes le mois dernier, soit la plus forte poussée depuis que cette statistique a commencé en 1971. Elle dépasse de loin les quelques 82.300 personnes anticipées par les économistes, selon un consensus réuni par la banque Calyon.

Le nombre de vacances d'emplois a été de 482.000 sur les trois mois achevés en février, un niveau en baisse de 74.000 et le plus bas niveau depuis le début de la statistique en 2001.

Selon la presse britannique, le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) s'apprête à abaisser sa prévision pour le Royaume-Uni à une contraction de 3,8% du PIB en 2009, puis à -0,2% en 2010, contre -2,8% et +0,2% respectivement annoncés fin janvier. De tels chiffres feraient du Royaume-Uni le pays le plus touché par la crise parmi les pays développés.

source: http://www.lesechos.fr/info/inter/300337453-le-chomage-britannique-au-plus-haut-depuis-12-ans.htm

negative adjectives
impenetrable = inaccessible
intolerable = unbearable
uncaring= insensitive
irreversible= unchangeable
incalculable= immeasurable
unsociable = inhospitable
indistinguishable =imperceptible
insecure= unstable

wtorek, 17 marca 2009

La procédure législative

Le parcours de l'élaboration d'une loi et la « navette parlementaire »
Présentation schématique simplifiée de la procédure législative (loi ordinaire)


Premier ministre



Projet de loi

Proposition de loi

Proposition de loi

Délibération en Conseil des ministres, après avis du Conseil d'Etat

Contrôle de la recevabilité financière de la proposition de loi par le Bureau de l'Assemblée nationale ou du Sénat



Dépôt sur le bureau de l'Assemblée nationale ou du Sénat

Examen en 1ère lecture par l'une des six commissions permanentes ou par une commission spéciale, de l'Assemblée ou du Sénat, constituée à cet effet. Publication d'un rapport écrit.

Discussion en 1ère lecture en séance publique et vote

Transmission à l'autre assemblée qui n'était pas saisie en premier

Examen en 1ère lecture par l'une des six commissions permanentes (ou par une commission spéciale) du Sénat ou de l'Assemblée nationale. Publication d'un rapport écrit

Discussion en 1ère lecture en séance publique et vote

En cas d'accord entre les assemblées...

Adoption du texte dans les mêmes termes par les deux assemblées

A défaut d'accord entre les deux assemblées ...

A défaut d'accord entre les deux assemblées, après une première lecture, transmission du texte à la première assemblée saisie


Après deux lectures dans chaque assemblée, à la demande du Premier ministre, réunion d'une commission mixte paritaire (CMP), composée de 7 députés et de 7 sénateurs, sur les dispositions restant en discussion. Si l'urgence a été déclarée, la CMP peut être réunie après une seule lecture par chacune des assemblées.

2ème lecture : Examen en commission, discussion en séance publique et vote, nouvelle transmission à l'autre assemblée

Examen et vote par chacune des deux assemblées du texte élaboré par la CMP ou, en cas d'échec de la CMP ou de rejet du texte de la CMP, nouvelle lecture par chaque assemblée

Poursuite de la "navette" (nouvelles lectures successives par les deux assemblées) : examens, votes et nouvelles transmissions

Après une nouvelle lecture par chacune des assemblées, le Gouvernement peut demander à l'Assemblée nationale de statuer définitivement

Texte définitif adopté dans les mêmes termes par les deux assemblées

Texte définitif adopté dans les mêmes termes par les deux assemblées ou adopté par l'Assemblée nationale statuant à titre définitif


Saisine éventuelle du Conseil constitutionnel par le Président de la République, le Premier ministre, le Président de l'Assemblée nationale, le Président du Sénat ou 60 députés ou 60 sénateurs

Décision du Conseil constitutionnel, en cas de saisine

Promulgation de la loi par le Président de la République
et publication au Journal officiel de la République française

poniedziałek, 16 marca 2009

prezydent w RP

dotychczasowi prezydenci: Narutowicz, Wojciechowski, Mościcki, Bierut,
Jaruzelski, Wałęsa, Kwaśniewski, Kaczyński

+ na uchodźctwie: Raczkiewicz, Zaleski, Ostrowski, Raczyński, Sabbat, Kaczorowski

Uprawnienia prezydenta:
  • wobec władzy ustawodawczej:
a) zarządzanie wyborów i zwoływanie posiedzenia obu izb,
b) inicjatywa ustawodawcza ( w tym inicjatywa zmiany konstytucji)
c) podpisuje ustawy i zamieszcza je w "DU"
d) prawo skrócenia kadencji sejmu
e) zwracanie się do TK z wnioskiem o zbadanie zgodności ustaw z konstytucją

  • względem RM
a)desygnuje i powołuje prezesa RM
b)kieruje do Sejmu wniosek o pociągnięcie do odpowiedzialności przez TS poszczególnych członków RM
c) dokonuje zmian w rządzie na wniosek premiera
d)zwoływanie w sprawach szczególnej wagi Rgabinetowej
e)odwołuje ministra wobec ltórego rząd wyraził wotum nieufności

  • względem władzy sądowniczej
a) powołuje wszystkich prezesów SN
b)powołuje prezesa i v-ce prezesów NSA
c)powołuje prezesa i v-ce prezesa TK
d)powołuje sędziów na wniosek KRS
e)1 członka KRS

proces legislacyjny

Etapy procesu ustawodawczego:

1. Przedstawienie inicjatywy ustawodawczej.
Prawo do inicjatywy ustawodawczej mają:
  • posłowie (min.15) ,
  • komisja sejmowa,
  • senat ( w całości),
  • prezydent,
  • RM,
  • 100tys. obywateli
2. Rozpatrzenie projektu przez sejm.
  • pierwsze czytanie:
- uzasadnienie projektu przez wnioskodawcę,
- debata nad projektem (zwykle w komisjach sejmowych)
-skierowanie projektu do dalszych prac w komisji, ew. całkowite odrzucenie
  • drugie czytanie (na posiedzeniu Sejmu):
-obejmuje szczegółowe sprawozdanie odpowiedniej komisji
-debatę nad wnioskami i poprawkami
-ponowne skierowanie projektu do komisji
(-> gdy nie ma poprawek-może odbyć się natychmiastowe 3 czytanie
-> do zakończenia 2 czytania- prawo wnioskodawcy do wycofania projektu)

  • trzecie czytanie:
-komisja przedstawia sprawozdanie i następuje głosowanie nad projektem : może być on odrzucony w całości lub ostatecznie uchwalony , stając się ustawą

3. Prace nad ustawą w Senacie:

  • senat ma trzy możliwości : odrzucenie całej ustawy/przyjęcie ustawy bez zmian/wprowadzenie do ustawy poprawek
Jeśli Senat w ciągu 30 dni nie ustosunkuje się do ustawy, zostaje ona przyjęta w wersji uchwalonej przez Sejm i przechodzi do etapu piątego.

4.Ponowne rozpatrywanie przez Sejm sprzeciwu lub poprawek Senatu.
sejm może odrzucić poprawki lub weto Senatu bezwzględna większością głosów albo je przyjąć, i tak poprawioną ustawę skierować do prezydenta

5. Podpisanie (lub nie) ustawy przez prezydenta.
Uchwalona przez SiS ustawa jest kierowana do prezydenta przez MS. Prezydent może ustawę:
-podpisać (max.21 dni) i zarządzić jej opublikowanie w "DU",
-odmówić podpisania i:
a)skierować do TK z zapytaniem o zgodność jej treści z konstytucją, jeśli TK orzeknie, że jest niezgodna z konstytucją, wtedy prezydent jej nie podpisuje, jeśli że zgodna - prezydent MUSI ją podpisać

b) odmówić podpisania i skierować ponownie do Sejmu (weto ustawodawcze)

6. Odrzucenie (lub nie) weta.
1. Sejm odrzuca weto kwalifikowaną większością 3/5 głosów, prezydent musi w ciągu 7 dni podpisać ustawę,
2. brak 3/5 - ustawa odrzucona

7. Podpisanie ustawy przez prezydenta i zarządzenie publikacji w "DU RP"

8. Ogłoszenie ustawy w "DU RP" - ustawa wchodzi w życie w ciągu 14 dni od jej ogłoszenia, jeśli w ustawie nie wskazano innego terminu, vacatio legis (okres między datą ogłoszenia ustawy i datą wejścia jej w życie) wynosi zwykle 15-30 dni.

work around We can work around your schedule so that you will
work at The only reason I speak French so well is that I really work at it.
work in
To fit into a schedule, especially a busy schedule. Yes, Mr. Schmitz, it looks like we can
work you in at 1:30 today for an appointment.
b) To blend into or add gradually, especially using your hands. After you make the dough
you have to work in the other ingredients until everything is blended.
c) To add or introduce, especially a topic in a conversation. / wanted to talk about the
money Dan owed me, but I couldn't work it into the conversation.
work on
To focus on something, to do something attentively. He just may be up
all night working on this report.
work out
To work to resolve a problem, especially in cooperation with someone else. Ray
and Jolene are seeing a marriage counselor to try to work out their marital

to give sb a hand = to help him out
to dress down /in causal clothes/ or - to dress up (to put on clothes that are more formal than the clothes you usually wear)
it's blue Monday :(
it was the tough course but we stick it out!
headhunter = chasseur m de têtes.
This student lacks incentive. - Cet étudiant manque de motivation.
  1. to give sb the incentive to do sth= donner envie à qn de faire;
    2. there is no incentive for people to save = rien n'incite les gens à faire des économies;

entice = to persuade sb to do sth by offering them an advantage
transitive verb (with offer, charms, prospects) attirer;
(with food, money) appâter.

Not too long ago, U.S. banks were offering incentives to entice clients into using ATM

Pay back.
a) To pay someone money that is owed. Don't I always pay you back when I borrow
money from you?
b) To get revenge for something. Hannah finally paid her brother back for a joke he'd
played on her ten years earlier.
Pay down.
a) To pay money in order to decrease a debt. It takes a long time to pay down the interest
on credit card debt.
b) To pay a portion of the total price at the time of a purchase and to agree to pay the rest
in installments. (Also: put down.) We'll have to pay $1500 down on a new car and then
make payments for five years.
Pay off.
a) To pay a debt in full. Tom paid off his student loans after 15 years.
b) To bribe someone. Mr. Fallows is paying off the building inspectors so they overlook the
violations they find.
pay sth in=to put money into your bank account
Pay out.
To distribute money or wages. Your insurance plan will pay out if you are injured on the
Pay up.
To pay money owed, as for a bet or a bill. Ok. you lost. Pay up!
-pay sb a compliment
-pay your way



1. Though the movie was widely ...... across the country, the sales were a disappointment for the studio.

2. For a woman to get …………………………in the business world seems to be a tall order in predominantly male environment.

3. This web site was shut down soon after the Internet provider realized it ………………………..extreme views inciting violence.


1. It was one of the gang's members that ……………………… the agent's cover as he'd seen him in uniform before.

2. Feeling tired, Lind put away the book,……………………… out the candle and went to sleep.

3. Separatists…………………… up several bridges in the province sending a violent message to the capital.


1. The latest evidence doesn't……………………….. the initial assumptions. We need to change the way we've thought about the process.

2. I'm really grateful to you for your affection and ………………………..I received throughout the recovery.

3. Chris had to work hard as he had a wife and three children to …………………………….. .


1. I didn't know about her problems. They never came to my …………………

2. The ……………………… on the wall of the building said 'No entry'.

3. It is next to impossible to organize relief at such short ……………… . We need some more time to make it work.


1. When in the pub, Frank usually ………………………..up attractive girls sitting at the tables which makes his wife see red.

2. I'm sorry I'm so busy at the moment. I'm up to my…………………. in work.

3. You've got to be very careful doing business with that Russian. He's a bit fishy. I advise you to have ……………………… in the back of your head.


1. I'll tell you something, Jane. Never trust men. They only offer …………………… promises which they don't keep.

2. Despite his achievements, the athlete strongly believed that his life was ………………….. and devoid of any purpose whatsoever.

3. Did the customs officers really ask you to …………………….. your pockets and show their contents?


1. Would you be so kind as to………………….. on the dotted line? I need to have your consent in black and white.

2. After much deliberation, the president decided to…………………….. the new legislation into law.

3. It took Miriam only a few days to learn the rudiments of ………………. language to help the deaf.

1. The country prides itself on having the most national parks and ……………………….reserves in the world and has often been given as an example for others to follow.

2. Fiona gave the ………………………away when she began giggling behind his back. This made him suspicious.

3. They were sitting in the armchairs hunching over the desk and playing a …………………… of chess.


1. He planned to stay in the box with 1000 scorpions for three months, an act which was supposed to put all the other entertainers in the ………………… .

2. When the sun reached its zenith, they wanted to find some ……………………. to escape from its scorching rays.

3. The artist uses a combination of light and …………………….. in his drawings to highlight certain recurring cycles in our lives.


1. The grass on the golf ……………………… was perfectly groomed and beckoned those willing to have a game that morning.

2. The GP prescribed a ……………………….. of injections that was to stop the spread of the infection.

3. After an aggressive advertising campaign, the university saw a steady flow of candidates enrolling on the ……………………….


NATO - dziś 26 państw
-1949, Waszyngton
10 państw Europy (Kraje Beneluxu, Włochy, wielka Brytania, Islandia, Norwegia, Dania, Portugalia, Francja ) + Kanada i Stany Zjednoczone
-siedziba (od 1967) - Bruksela

  • od 1952 : Turcja i Grecja
  • od 1955: NIEMCY
  • od 1982: Hiszpania
  • od 1999: Polska, Czechy, Węgry
  • od 2004: Estonia, Łotwa, Litwa, Słowacja, Rumunia, Bułgaria, Słowenia

-w kolejce : Chorwacja, Macedonia, Albania, Gruzja, Ukraina

początkowy cel: zwiększenie zdolności obronnej państw sprzymierzonych przed ekspansją ZSRR

każdemu z członków daje poczucie bezpieczeństwa,

Najważniejsze organy NATO:
Rada Północnoatlantycka - przedst. państw czł. + SG Paktu, raz/tydzień, sprawy najważniejsze- jednomyślne

Komitet Wojskowy- szefowie sztabów państw członkowskich, koord. w kwestiach militarnych

KPO - polityjka wojskowa NATO

GPN- forum konsultacyjne (spory broni jądrowej)

SG (4-l.)

sprawa Polska
-12.03.1999, Independence, stan Missouri, Geremek podpisał akt, również Czechy i Węgry . był to "powrót trzech środkowoeuropejskich narodów do europejskiej cywilizacji" -NYT, Havel : wierzymy, że stając się członkami NATO nie będziemy przez nikogo okupowani"
korzyści :
-gwarancja stabilizacji i rozwoju
-jesteśmy cenieni politycznie i WIARYGODNI militarnie,
-zabezpieczyliśmy granice, po ponad 200 latach zakończyliśmy okres niepewności i przyszłość polityczną i militarną
-udowodniliśmy , że jesteśmy lkrajem o stabilnej demokracji, co przyciągnęło do nas zagranicznych inwestorów,
-umocniliśmy pozycję na arenie międzynarodowej,
-ułożyliśmy w sposób dość partnerski nasze stosunki z Rosją

-opuszczenie 'szarej strefy', powstałą po rozpadzie bloku sowieckiego w Europie Wschodniej i Środkowej,
-aspekt symboliczno-psychologiczny : porzuciliśmy ład jałtański i powrót do zachodniej cywilizacji
-odejście od nakazowo-rozdzielczego systemu UW, w którym nie decydowaliśmy o sobie
-uzyskaliśmy możliwość realnego wpływu na decyzje w sferze bezpieczeństwa kraju oraz sojuszników, bo w NATO obowiązuje zasada konsensusu.
-wymiar technologiczny i sfera teorii obronności: możliwość skorzystania z dorobku zachodu ( w tym USA) , konsekwencja : współczesne oblicze Wojska Polskiego: zmiana metod szkolenia, cała struktura, większość uzbrojenia

Najpierw wykrwawiliśmy się w II WŚ, potem zainstalowano nam zgubny system komunistyczny . Dziś jesteśmy dobrym, sprawdzonym w walce i solidarności partnerem w silnej grupie państw, które łączy wspólne bezpieczeństwo.

1991r. - przyjęto Koncepcję Strategicznego Sojuszu, która przewidywała możliwość uczestniczenia w operacjach pokojowych.
BiH - 1994
pierwsza akcja bojowa NATO od powstania sojuszu
28.02. - 2 samoloty F-16 NATO zestrzeliły 4 serbkie samoloty dokonujące nalotu bombowego
sierpień-wrzesień - atak na różne cele by wymusić na Serbach zaprzestanie ataków na ich przeciwników
po podpisaniu układu pokojowego w Dayton siły NATO, od stycznia 1996, w ramach misji IFOR i SFOR ustabilizowały sytuację w regionie.
Misja położyła kres masakrom i czystkom etnicznym, od 2002 siły SFOR redukowane, ich misja zakończona pod koniec '04 i zastąpione misją UE (operacja "Althea")

2. Kosowo -1999 r.
od stycznia przeprowadzanie szeregu ataków lotniczych na Serbię (gł. Belgrad)- cel: zakończenie konfliktu między Armią Wyzwolenia Kosowa a serbskimi władzami, siłami policyjnymi i armią. naloty niewidzialnych amer F-117 - zrzucały bomby grafitowe na linie wysokiego napięcia-paraliż energii-zaw. pokoju
od 06.1999 50 tys. żołnierzy KFOR zastąpiło serbską armię

3. Operacje morskie "Active Endeavour"-monitorowanie akwenów MŚ, od czasu ataku na WTC. Poza siłami okręty wojenne : m.in. Izrael, Rosja, Ukraina.

4. Afganistan - od 2001
misja ISAF - cel: wsparcie rządu afgańskiego w zapewnieniu oraz utrzymaniu bezpieczeństwa w kraju a także pomoc w jego odbudowie
jako że siły fundamentalistów islamskich otrzymują wsparcie z rejonu pogranicza pakistańsko-afgańskiego , jest to najtrudniejsza i najbardziej priorytetowa misja NATO. Polska - 1600 żołnierzy

5.Irak od 2004
misja szkoleniowa

6. Darfur od 2005
wspieranie logistyczne misji pokojowej w tym regionie Sudanu
zakończenie - 2007, z opcją wznowienia

4,108 mln żołnierzy : 2x więcej niż armia Chin i 4xwięcej od sił zbr. Rosji

środa, 11 marca 2009


1 John has hinted that he doesn't wish to remain in the group any longer.


John has given a hint that he wishes to remain in the group.

2 Five actors were competing for the leading role in the play.


There was a contention between five actors for the leading role in the play.

3 A spokesman said that the story was pure speculation.


The story IS DISSMISED to be no more than speculation by a spokesman.

4 She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn't notice when I came in.


She was wrapped up in her work that she didn't notice when I came in.

5 They still haven't found out what caused the accident.


They have yet ...what the cause of the accident was.

6 1 reluctantly signed the contract.


It was with reluctant that I made a signature on the contract.

7 Suzanne is far superior to me in terms of technical knowledge.


When it comes to technical knowledge, I am not match for Suzanne.

8 Anthony wasn't at all discouraged by this bad experience.


This bad experience didn't put us off at least.

9 The company lent us an apartment as part of the deal.


As part of the deal, we were given a loan by the company.

10 1 always enjoy this film, no matter how often I see it.


However I SEE this film often, I am never tire of this film.

11 1 don't know why Fred made such an extraordinary decision.


I don't a decision.

12 Inefficient treatment of customers creates a bad impression of the company.


Treating customers with a lack ................................................................ the company.

13 The organizers planned everything as carefully as they could possibly have done.


Everything was planned ..................................................................... by the organizers.

14 Coming second didn't make her feel any better because she only wanted to win.


Coming second ................................................................. was all that mattered to her.

15 1 promised him that the situation would not be repeated in the future.


I ................................................................. no repetition of the situation in the future.

16 Tim tried to be like one of his heroes when he was a young musician.


As ......................................................................................................... one of his heroes.

17 Diane finds that creating things stops her from thinking about her work.


Diane finds that being ...................................................................................... her work.

18 1 tried not to get involved in that situation.


I tried to avoid ........................................................................................... that situation.

19 After announcing his resignation, he said that he had done nothing improper.


After announcing his resignation, he went ..................................................... improper.

20 1 had to go to an expert and ask her to advise me.


I was forced ................................................................................................expert.

21 1 realized that I was in a terrible position and I wasn't to blame for it.


Through .............................................................................. myself in a terrible position.

22 I'm doubtful that this plan is very realistic.


I ........................................................................................................ realistic this plan is.

23 Francis chose computing rather than marketing for his next course.


Francis opted .................................................................. marketing for his next course.

24 Presumably you're still interested in travelling this summer.


I take ........................................................................................... travelling this summer.

25 Eventually, Jim admitted that he was responsible for the error.


Eventually, it ................................................................. been responsible for the error.

26 Without your assistance, I could never have done this job so well.


Had ......................................................... , I could never have done this job so well.

27 The manager praised one particular player.


One particular player ................................................................ praise by the manager.

28 He denied the accusation unconvincingly, which made me think he was guilty.


His ........................................................................................ believe that he was guilty.

29 There came a time when I completely ran out of patience.


I ................................................................................................ more patience left.

30 Once I had made sure there was no reason to be afraid, I went ahead.


Having satisfied ....................................................................................... , I went ahead.

31 It is likely that she will get very angry when she finds out.


She ............................................................................................... fit when she finds out.

32 Being inexperienced was a disadvantage to her when she applied for promotion.


Her ............................................................................... when she applied for promotion.

some vocab
To mix in a confused way; throw together carelessly: jumble socks in a heap.
2. To muddle; confuse: The rapid-fire questioning jumbled the witness's thoughts.
To be mixed in a confused way: dividers to keep the files from jumbling.
1. A confused or disordered mass: a jumble of paper scraps.
2. A disordered state; a muddle: receipts in a jumble.

2) bigotry
obtuse or narrow-minded intolerance, especially of other races or religions.

3)clay - a very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired

The facts were not all made public at the time.
Only later were the facts all made public.
c) The response to our appeal was so great that we had to take on more staff.
Such was a response to our appeal that we had to
take on more staff.
d) Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.
Not only did Harry break his leg but he also injured his shoulder.
e) The police didn't suspect at all that the judge was the murderer.
Little did the police suspect the judge as being the murderer.
f) The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way.
In NO WAY can the bus driver be held responsible for the accident.
g) If the government raised interest rates, they would lose the election.
Were the government to raise interest rates, they would
lose the election,
h) As soon as I got home, I realised I'd left my bag in the shops.
No sooner had I got home than I realised I'd left my
bag in the shops,
i) It was only when I asked a passer-by that I realised where I was.
Not until I asked a passer-by, did I realise where I was.
j) The minister was interrupted just after starting his speech.
Hardly had the minister started his speech when he was interrupted.

wtorek, 10 marca 2009

1 We must take as much advantage as possible of any opportunity to speak English.
We have to MAKE the most of any opportunity to
speak English.

2 Honestly, I don’t mind where we go for our summer holidays.
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me where we go
for our summer holidays.

3 Could you speak English when you were younger?
When you were younger,were you able to
speak English?

4 What’s the answer to sixteen minus eight?
If you take away eight from sixteen, what’s the

5 Three hundred students entered the swimming competition last year.
Three hundred students took part in the
swimming competition last year.

6 The students will finish their English course at the end of June.
The English course will have finised by the
beginning of July.

7 There will be no more oil available in this area in 2030.
Oil supplies in this area will (have) run out by
the year 2031.

8 My sister doesn’t like computer games very much.
My sister isn't very keen on computer games.

9 ‘Did you eat the chocolates?’ Maria said to Peter.
Maria asked Peter if he had eaten the chocolates.

10 Bob hadn’t seen his uncle for several years.
After several years had gone by, Bob saw
his uncle again.

11 I needed a cup of coffee this morning but I didn’t have time for one.
I could have done with a cup of coffee this
morning but I didn’t have time for one.

12 I’m not going to tolerate this untidiness any longer.
I have no intention of putting up with this
untidiness any longer.

13 We went for a walk although it was raining yesterday.
We went for a walk in spite of the rain

14 I’m sure it will be raining tomorrow.
It is bound to be raining tomorrow.

15 Could I borrow some change for the telephone?
Could you lend me some change for the

16 It’s ages since my sister and I had an argument.
My sister and I haven't fallen out for ages.

17 We are friends although we have disagreements about some things.
We are friends despite the fact that we disagree
about some things.

18 Has John caught a cold?
Can you tell me if john has come down with
a cold?

19 I was really bored by the film last night.
I found the film really boring last night.

20 I think it’s time the children went to bed now.
I think the children had better go to bed

21 The problem we were faced with was a serious one.
The problem we came up against was a
serious one.

22 It was a mistake not to apply for the job.
I wish I 'd applied for the job.

23 Being rich has no connection with being happy.
Being rich has nothing to do with being happy.

24 I can’t wait to see the sights in London.
I am waiting forward to seeing the sights in London.

25 The tourist trade is much better now than it was last month.
The tourist trade has picked up noticeably
since last month.

26 Governments should preserve all the world’s languages.
All the world’s languages ought to be preserved by

27 The tennis players’ match is still going on.
The tennis players haven't finished the match yet.

28 What time does your plane land tomorrow?
Can you tell when your plane lands tomorrow?

29 The family always spent their holidays climbing in the mountains.
The family’s holidays used to be spent
climbing in the mountains.

30 Physical exercise won’t hurt you if you are careful.
Physical exercise won’t do you any harm if
you are careful.

31 How does a rock climber differ from a mountaineer?
What is the difference between a rock climber and a

32 This new dining table is bigger than the one we had before.
The dining table we had before was not as big as
this new one.

33 It was not a good idea for you to refuse the offer of that job.
You should not have turned down the offer of that job.

34 My teacher suggested that I spent the summer in England.
My teacher advised me to spend the summer in

35 The film is not as interesting as the novel was.
The novel is much more interesting than the film.

36 Will your neighbours look after your dog when you go away?
Do you know if your neighbours
will take care of your dog when you go away?

37 Tom, wouldn’t it be a good idea to take the students swimming tomorrow?
Tom, how about taking the students
swimming tomorrow?

38 Miss Jones first came to teach us a month ago.
Miss Jones has been teaching us for a month now.

39 We are noticing a rise in the cost of living again.
The cost of living appears to be rising again.

40 While we were going home, we had an accident.
We were on our way to home when we had an

41 I’m worried about that bruise on your hand.
I don’t like the look of that bruise on your hand.

42 Susan has had no success with her plans to work abroad, unfortunately.
Susan’s plans to work abroad have fallen through ,

43 ‘Don’t forget to phone tomorrow,’ said my mother.
My mother told me not to forget to phone the
next day.

44 ‘Did anyone notice anything unusual?’ asked the police officer.
The police officer wanted to know if anyone had noticed
anything unusual.

45 Whatever you do, don’t lift that heavy suitcase.
I’d advise you not to pick up that heavy

46 Maybe John has not remembered about tonight’s party.
I suppose John could have forgotten about
tonight’s party.

47 You should not think that the accident was your fault.
It would be wrong to blame yourself for the

48 I am sure Maria finds reading interesting because she has lots of books.
Maria must be interested in reading because she
has lots of books.

49 I hope you were not discouraged by Sandra from going to the concert.
I hope Sandra didn't put you off going to the

50 I have been to this restaurant three times now.
This is the third time I have been to this
restaurant now.

51 I am so exhausted that I won’t be able to go out tonight.
I too exhausted to go out tonight.

52 The runners had a difficult time competing in the race.
The runners who took part in the race
had a difficult time.

53 Do you know when the race is being held next year?
When is the race taking place next year?

54 It will be necessary to send this letter first class.
This letter have to be sent first class.

55 ‘Are you waiting to be served?’ said the waitress to me.
The waitress asked me if I was waiting to be

56 Buying those jeans was not a sensible thing for me to do yesterday.
If only I had not bought those jeans yesterday.

57 The owner established the company in 2001.
The company was set up by the owner in 2001.

58 We booked seats but it was not necessary because there was plenty of room.
We needn't have booked seats because there was
plenty of room.

59 It is difficult for Paul to decide what to do.
Paul finds it difficult to make up his mind what to do.

60 Bad weather delayed the building project for several weeks.
The building project was set BACK for
several weeks by the bad weather.

61 Sara cleaned every bit of her room before her cousin came to stay.
Sara cleaned her room from top to bottom
before her cousin came to stay.

62 Travelling by bus is cheaper than travelling by train.
Travelling by train is more expensive than travelling
by bus.

63 Leaving school made me realise that my childhood was over.
Leaving school brought it home to me that my
childhood was over.

64 I never find time to tidy my desk.
I never get round to tidying my desk.

65 Please behave as if you are in your own house during your stay.
I’d like you all to make yourselves at home during
your stay.

66 I am not tall enough to reach the top of this cupboard.
If I were taller, I would reach the top of this

67 I’d like you to connect me to the managing director’s extension number.
Could you put me through to the managing
director’s extension number?

68 To tell the truth, we need a swimming pool for this school.
To tell the truth,what we need is a
swimming pool for this school.

69 Do you know whose this umbrella is, by any chance?
Do you know who this umbrella belongs to, by any chance?

70 Was it Paul’s idea to go to the cinema?
Was it Paul who came up with the idea of going
to the cinema?

71 The boats began to move slowly out of the harbour.
The boats slowly made their way out of the

72 One runner did not succeed in finishing the race.
One runner wasn't able to finish the race.

73 It is not my fault that the glass broke.
You cannot blame me for breaking the glass.

74 I am starting to find watching television boring.
I am beginning to get fed up with watching

75 Bad weather makes me feel really unhappy in the winter.
Bad weather really gets me down in the winter.

76 Fog delayed my flight to Moscow this morning.
My flight to Moscow was held up by fog this

77 Help was urgently needed in the flooded area of the country.
They were in urgent need of help in the flooded
area of the country.

78 I went to Italy with the intention of learning Italian.
I went to Italy so that I could learn Italian.

79 Remember to return the videos you have rented.
Don’t forget to bring/take back the videos you have

80 While we were going home yesterday we got caught in a thunderstorm.
We got caught in a thunderstorm while we were
on our way home yesterday.

81 Has Mary altered her decision about moving to the countryside?
Do you know if Mary has changed her mindabout
moving to the countryside?

82 I’d like Kevin to stop telling me what to do.
I wish Kevin would stop telling me what to do!

83 ‘Are you pleased it’s nearly half-term?’ said the teacher to us.
The teacher wanted to know if we were pleased
it was nearly half-term.

84 We are earning less than we are spending, I’m afraid.
Our expenditure is greater than our income, I’m afraid.

85 I don’t think having luxuries in life is necessary.
I don’t see any(the) necessity of having luxuries in life.

86 I don’t earn anything like the amount I did before.
I earn nowhere near as much as I did before.

87 The date for the Barcelona Conference is the 23rd of March.
The Barcelona Conference takes place ON
the 23rd of March.

88 The house was not very attractive in appearance when we first saw it.
The house was not much to look at when we
first saw it.

89 No-one wants to buy this type of music any more.
There is no longer any demand for this type of music.

90 Looking back, I think I was right to study mathematics at university.
Looking back, I don't regret studying mathematics
at university.

91 Our spending will have to be reduced next year.
We will have to cut back on our spending
next year.

92 The children were absolutely certain that the film would be fantastic.
There was no doubt in the minds of the children
that the film would be fantastic.

93 Did anyone raise the subject of the school trip?
Can you tell me if anyone brought up the subject
of the school trip?

94 I started learning English three years ago.
I ' ve been learning English for three years.

95 They are moving our oral examination to an earlier date.
Our oral examination is being moved forward to an
earlier date.

96 ‘Do you want to go for a walk?’ asked Bob.
Bob asked me if I felt like going for a walk.

97 Olivia did not concentrate so she made a lot of mistakes.
If Olivia had concentrated she would have made fewer mistakes.

98 Do you happen to know the time of the next train to London?
I wonder if you could tell me the time of the
next train to London.

99 The children are always fascinated by nature programmes on TV.
The children find always nature prohrammes fascinating when they
watch them on TV.

100 ‘What about going for a swim?’ said John to me.
John said we should go for a swim.

1 They’re going to get rid of all these small shops when they build the new supermarket.
They’re going to do away with all these small shops when they build the new supermarket.

2 It’s your decision whether we stay in or go out.
It’s up to you whether we stay in or go out.

3 I know I’ve done really badly in that test.
I know I’ve really made a mess of that test.

4 Jerry and his boss work really well together.
Jerry has a really good relationship with his colleagues.

5 I think that I’m going to win this competition.
I .have a/the feeling that I’m going to win this competition.

6 My parents don’t think my ideas are important at all.
My parents don’t take my ideas seriously at all.

7 Jill doesn’t often walk to college.
It’s unusual for Jill towalk to college.

8 My grandmother always found the new coins strange when the euro was introduced.
My grandmother never got used to the new coins when the euro was introduced.

9 My dad always talks when I’m watching my favourite TV programme.
My dad has a habit OF talking when I’m watching my favourite TV programme.

10 I usually say exactly what I’m thinking.
I have a tendancy to say exactly what I’m thinking.

1 If she hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t have finished the decorating.
If she hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t HAVE BEEN able to finish the decorating.

2 I won’t lend you my skirt unless you promise to look after it.
I won’t lend you my skirt if you don't promise to look after it.

3 Jim said he would tidy the house only if Ruth helped him.
Jim said he would not tide the house unless Ruth helped him.

4 I didn’t feel hungry, despite missing dinner.
I didn’t feel hungry,even though I had missed dinner.

5 Carmen regretted not visiting her grandmother more while she was alive.
Carmen wished she had visited her grandmother more while she was alive.

6 You might become rich, but you still wouldn’t be happy.
You wouldn’t be happy even if you became rich.

7 Don became very wealthy by selling used cars.
Don made a/his fortune FROM selling used cars.

8 Kira didn’t say anything about her illness last night.
Kira made no mention of/ made no reference to her illness last night.

9 Hal found something unexpectedly when he cleared out the attic.
Hal made an unexpected discovery when he cleared out the attic.

10 I didn’t want to create difficulties for Robin by mentioning our disagreement.
I didn’t want to cause Robin a problem/ any problems by mentioning our disagreement.